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About Us

Our Mission Statement

The Petoskey Club is a membership organization committed to the individual and collective well- being of its members. Membership is open to adults who are challenged by mental illnesses. Through mutual support and cooperative efforts, members receive assistance in the areas of employment, education, physical and emotional health, social skills, recreation, housing, and self-advocacy. Colleagues strive to achieve these goals while implementing the Standards of Clubhouse International, the accrediting organization for Clubhouse programs.


Our Story

The Petoskey Club was founded in 1994.  When “day treatment” programs around the state of Michigan transitioned to the Clubhouse Model of psycho-social rehabilitation, our agency was on the cutting edge. This entailed adequate resourcing by Community Mental Health administration, in addition to changes for staff and the involved clients. Clients would now be referred to as “members” of their Clubhouse. They would help select a building and set it up to facilitate all aspects of Clubhouse programming. Clubhouse membership is open to adults with a history of mental illness. Members are welcome and accepted at any stage in their recovery. Membership is voluntary and without time limits.  Since its formation, Petoskey Club has embraced the key principles of Clubhouse philosophy by maintaining a strong emphasis on:

  • Members being needed, wanted, and expected, with a sense of “ownership” of their Clubhouse

  • Empowerment through inclusive operating and decision-making procedures

  • Establishment of meaningful and healthy peer relationships and mutual support

  • Provision of vocational opportunities, with a strong emphasis on employment

  • Advocacy for mental health and decreasing societal stigma regarding mental illness

These values are realized through participation in our structured “work-ordered day” (a day organized around work that needs to be done to run the program), through community inclusion activities, and during our afterhours social and recreational programming. The implementation of these values and practices reinforce why clubhouse is deemed a best practice.

Petoskey Club sends staff and member colleagues, in partnership, to Clubhouse International training bases for an immersive experience in all aspects of the Clubhouse Model.  Colleagues bring back the knowledge they have gained to share with the rest of the Clubhouse.  While at training, trainees develop an “action plan” based around the sections of the International Clubhouse Standards.  This serves as the Club’s strategic plan. 

Michigan has more Clubhouses than any other state, and Petoskey Club was the first program in Michigan to earn Clubhouse International Accreditation based on model fidelity. We have maintained our accreditation status consistently. This attests to our compliance with the 37 International Clubhouse Standards, used as our “guideposts” in everything we do. The Standards serve as a “bill of rights” for members and code of ethics for staff, boards, and administrators.  We also honor the Four Guaranteed Rights of Membership: a place to come; meaningful relationships; meaningful work; a place to return.

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